Monday, March 14, 2011

Maybe it's NOT a boy!

I went back to Mesa and had another ultrasound on Saturday because they didn't get enough pictures the first time. They checked the gender again and said um. . . .um I'm pretty sure it's a girl and NOT a boy! I have been telling Randy the last week or so to prepare in case that happened but I didn't really think it was going to! Oh well. I guess we will see which person was right in a few months.


Sarah said...

Oh no.....all I can think to say is that my condolences go to Randy....and maybe they were mistaken as well. Maybe you were destined to have a bunch of princesses though.

Melanie Hahn said...

wait...what?? Did I not know you're pregnant?? well, CONGRATS!!!!!! I hope they can figure out if it's a boy or girl soon :) All these preg people are really making me want a baby!!! I want one NOW though, I don't want to be pregnant lol

Aunt Tiff said...

Im still shaking my head!! poor randy! I'm still just excited you are having another baby for me to kiss on!

Ash said...

4 girls is GREAT! Im so excited for you- Just tell Randy that it takes a pretty incredible Dad to have all girls!!!